ocyanOcyan has been providing services to the Upstream oil and gas sector for decades, with high quality and technical capacity.
In the OFFSHORE PRODUCTION area, we are the only Brazilian operator of Floating Production Storage and Offloading units (FPSOs). We currently operate four units through a 50/50 joint venture with Altera Infrastructure, maintaining long-term contracts with the Libra Consortium, Karoon Energy, and Brava Energia.
We have extensive experience in SUBSEA CONSTRUCTION, with the chartering and operation of Pipe Laying Support Vessels (PLSVs). We are also involved in the decommissioning of subsea installations in deepwater offshore fields in Brazil, in addition to executing EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Installation) projects, such as the revitalization of the gas network in the Campos Basin through a consortium with Mota-Engil. We are also studying the provision of services for Offshore Wind Energy projects, in synergy with our other activities.
In Macaé, we have our SERVICES and Digital and Technology Business area. We serve the Offshore Maintenance and Services market, providing engineering, procurement, fabrication, assembly, inspections, maintenance, repair, and painting services, as well as offering Digital and Technology services.

We are the energy that boosts the world!
If you like turning challenges into opportunities, join our team.
We are looking for innovative, committed professionals who are passionate about what they do. We
embrace diversity, ethics, integrity and sustainability.
Do you want to be part of Ocyan?

Keep up with our latest news
EIG adquire a Ocyan por US$ 390 milhões
EIG, investidor institucional líder nos setores de energia e infraestrutura do mundo inteiro, anunciou, nesta quinta-feira (28/12), que celebrou acordos definitivos com a Novonor e o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento para adquirir a Ocyan.
Ocyan promove ação inclusiva de surf adaptado para pessoas com deficiência na Praia da Barra da Tijuca
Com parceria da AdaptSurf, atividades marcarão o Dia Internacional da Pessoa com Deficiência, celebrado no dia 3 de dezembro
Agricultores do Sana recebem 113 toneladas de insumos para potencializar suas produções
Ocyan e Prefeitura do Rio assinam parceria público-privada que beneficiará Casa da Juventude do Centro
